Revolutionary Journey music track is dominantly an orchestral piece accompanied by minor electronic sounds that firmly tells a story of success and pride after great ordeals and challenges. The music starts mysteriously with a calm and mysterious mood that is created by electronic sounds. Suddenly violins begin to rise and add warmth and color to the music. The melody builds a sense of heroism and pride. The digital sound and percussions in the background help elevating the music. Near the end of the music, the beat drops down. However, the sounds of violins remain strong and their uplifting melody keeps the energy of music high. The music continues with a solid sense of success and pride. Eventually, it ends with a strong and thundering violin sound.
Revolutionary Journey is a great music track for representing heroism and honor in historic events and documentaries. The music can help with adventure, epic, and historic cinematic scenes as well. There’s a sense of constructivism in the music that can help describe how brands reached great goals in advertising videos. The sense of development and achievement can be used in any video production regarding industrial and scientific revolutions throughout mankind’s history.
Personal use, Web-based video contents, Online Commercials Student Projects, You tube, Vimeo & Social media
Cinema, TV show and News, Radio, Games & Apps
achievement /army /battle /bright /conquest /construction /Heroism /historical /honor /journey /positive /pride /victory /war
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