Sparks of Happiness is a modern friendly and funky music that expresses simple joys in our lives. The music starts calmly with funky digital sounds. A warm and vibrant synthesizer starts to make the music more colorful and friendly. Soon a piano starts to accompany the rest of the sounds that create some sense of innocence as well. They sound like sparkling lights. Modern electric sounds in the background add more touch to the music. The music starts to gain more energy with the harmony of colorful synthesizers and digital sounds.
The positive voice in the music track is a great quality to promote numerous family-oriented products in advertising videos. The sense of kindness and caring in the music track can express health care and charity based video productions. The sense of innocence in the music is helpful in kids and pets related videos on YouTube and advertising videos. Sparks of Happiness music is fitting for all kinds of productive and joyful activities that YouTubers and video content creators create for their viewers and fans.
Personal use, Web-based video contents, Online Commercials Student Projects, You tube, Vimeo & Social media
Cinema, TV show and News, Radio, Games & Apps
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