To be used in Personal Websites and social media includes YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Twitch.
Personal portfolios and Showreels
To be used in only personal portfolios, showreels dedicated for freelancers, artists, programmers and all individual creators.
Live performance
To be used in one live performance for non-commercial purposes
Cinema and theatrical
To be used in non-commercial independent feature films, short films, and student Projects, movie teasers, plays, live performances
Corporate & Industrial
Internal company production, corporate showreels, live public events, industrial events, content published on your website, in-store displays
TV, Online Television and Radio
Series, films, news, entertainment, talk shows, and advertisement. The license will be issued per each project in one particular territory.
Crowdfunding Campaign
To be used in one video or slideshow to promote a crowdfunding campaign on websites such as Kickstarter, IndieGoGo, Fundrazr, and other similar platforms.
Book trailers
To be used in one independent book trailer, video, slideshow or author portfolio video distributed to any and all online sites that promote independent authors.
To be used in an intro, transitional, or ending music piece in an unlimited amount of episodes for a single podcast series.
Videos games
To be used in video game productions (Free or revenue-generating) that don’t exceed 1000 copies.
Computer software applications and mobile apps
To be used in Computer software applications and mobile apps
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15s30sLoop 1Loop 2Loop 3Loop 4
15s30sLoop 1Loop 2Loop 3Loop 4
15s30sFirst partSecond partLast part
15s30sCompleteAll without violinNo electronic synthPart 1Part 1 without drums
15s30sPart 1Part 2SlowCompleteOrchestral
15s30salllast partmiddle partfor game menu
15s - 115s - 230sMiddle partMiddle and Last partMiddle and final part without electronic drumsMore electornic mood
15s30spart 1completemore completeLast partMiddle part without choir
Complete Track
Complete Track
Complete Track
Complete Track
Complete Track
Complete Track
Complete Track
Complete Track
No Drum Perc & BassNo Drums and PercNo FX & TransitionNo Strings & HornsNo Strings and FXWithout Hornswithout-strings
No HornNo Main Pad StringNo Stringsplus-rain-ambient
No organMore synthwitout bellsLess Orchestral instruments
Without choirNo drums and percNo drums and perc and choirWithout hornNo horn and choirNo electric guitarWithout violin
No main celloNo second violinWithout drumsWithout choirDiffrent startDiffrent start without drums
withou synthetic pianowithout any synthetic soundmore vintage without two modern synthswithout violin stringswithout horndiffrent start midlle partdiffrent start with last part
Less distortion and diffrent startNo drumsMore electronic moodOrchestral mood without electronic drumsWihtout main melody
No drums and percNo choir and drums and percNo choirNo piano (Greek Theme)No hornNo choir